tMatsya is a Web based Fisheries Information Management System designed for
capturing database pertaining to various Programmes/Schemes implemented by the Fisheries Department,
Govt.of Telangana & Telangana State Fishermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd.,
Hyderabad for the welfare of fishermen community in the state in a highly objective and transparent manner.
This application is accessible for Departmental Users at state and district level and information can be accessed by the primary and secondary stakeholders of Schemes implemented by the Fisheries Department & public.
This online application will avoid need for multiple visits to Government office and eliminate avoidable physical interface with Government machinery. It will also accrue savings for citizen in terms of Time and Travel cost.
System is designed on First in First out (FIFO) principle to ensure high level of objectivity and transparency in decision making. It will pave the way for More Governance through Least Government
Let us join hands together and move to online system to realize the dream of Good Governance.